Thursday, April 19

Layout Update

Added a new rotating banner, and resized various elements here and there. Also did a bit of optimizing for load time since I'm putting up so many more images than before.

Oh and, if you're wondering why my banner images are full of headless people, you can blame the folks that created the cropping application known as Pixer. It's times like these that I miss Photoshop (mention Gimp and I'll jump on you like an angry ferret).

Curse my iBook G4.


Unknown said...

The site is looking sharp! Nice. :) It shows you have been busy.

I like that line, "I'll jump on you like an angry ferret." Got a chuckle out of it...

Unknown said...

Hi again, I'm back!

I wanted to ask, 'what script are you using for the banner rotate, or is that a feature of Pixer?'


Yin said...

It's some fairly simple Javascript I came up with. There are prolly better ways of doing it but I'll email it to you anyway.